© Anna Nunes 2025
Anna Nunes is a Dutch-Portuguese artist with a degree in ecology. Her dual nationality and scientific background are intertwined with her artistic projects. In recent years, she has developed projects that explore social and cultural issues. She focuses on (colonial) history and how it is interwoven with developments in the modern world. Through collaborative projects, Nunes delves into the evolution of our conceptions, traditions and values. In these, she explores how the integration of cultural traditions with contemporary approaches can contribute to greater equality. Her collaborations result in projects that benefit both the areas involved and people themselves.
Former projects
In 2017, Nunes worked with the Fulani communities of the Boé region, Guinea-Bissau, on a project aimed at preserving sacred forests. These are threatened by deforestation and the loss of ancestral traditions that limit their exploitation. This project resulted in a series of paintings that capture her collaboration with the Boé people and offer reflections on the (ecological and cultural) value and future of ancient knowledge and traditions. More importantly, her collaboration with the Fulani contributed to the legal protection of sacred forests, a direct impact on the region's cultural and ecological heritage. For this collaboration, she received an award from Wageningen University in 2018.
Current work
Currently, Nunes is working on the project À Volta do Barro (Around Clay), focusing on women’s pottery and its tradition in Cape Verde.